Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Archos Generation 5 Runs Opera

Though this product has only been hacked to run Linux[1], it does come preinstalled with Opera, a Linux based browser.


GFT Exploit

A software-only exploit called GFT was recently discovered for several Archos players, including the 605 WiFi and 705 models. This enables the user to run Linux commands directly on the system, and further uses this to install an SSH server on the system, allowing remote root access.

Beware, the 2.x versions of the firmware have disabled the ability to apply the GFT exploit. This is an undocumented fix on Archos' side and is not listed in the change-form for the release. They automatically include 2.0 and later on all newly shipping 605 units. So far they have not re-released their source-code as per GPL license since fixing the issue.


The 605 WiFi, along with, reportedly, the 705 WiFi and 604 WiFi, were successfully hacked to run the Linux platform QTopia with help from the same users who had done so on the older PMA400.. QTopia can only be installed on units that are compatible with the GFT exploit.


The exploit also triggers the development of openPMA-NG, based on pdaXrom. Updates show compatibility for common Linux applications such as Gimp and Mozilla Firefox 

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