Friday, January 2, 2009

The Most Stable Operating Systems Run Linux

So here is the question:

What OS do YOU trust your life on? Any OS at all. From DOS - Windows Server 2003. BeOS, MacOS, MacOS X, BSD/OS, 386/BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Linux (Which version + why)....

I'm wondering what people are going to say here really, but also, I'm wondering who can answer what the most stable OS in the World is. I'd really like to know. Even if it's not Linux.

Just remember this, if the OS crashes, you put your life on the line. So what is it? I'm sure waiting for the Windows Zealots of AO to reply, I REALLY want to see what you'd pick.

Now I just got home form the bar, and a show on TV about Haunted places is on so I'm going to watch that. When I get back I want some replys by people who are willing to discuss why they picked an OS they would trust their own life on.

If this was me and I had to pick a few OSs I KNEW wouldn't crash, here is what I pick:

SUSE Linux Enterprise (Even when I TRIED to make it crash, it wouldn't)

Slackware Linux (Same thing I can't get it to actually crash)

FreeBSD (The only time I've ever seen BSD crash was on my screen saver)

BSD/OS (See above)

Trusted Solaris and or Solaris 10 (Yea no one saw that one coming huh?) (I don't think Solaris HAS crashed, and come on, Solaris is BSD made proprietery anyway)

OS I would NOT let run this:

Windows 3.X

Windows 9X

Windows NT

Windows 2000

Windows XP (There are un-used icons on your deskt----------- BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-----------)

DOS anything

Mandrake Linux (Linux may be just a Kernel and Mandrake is just as much Linux as what I wanted picked, however Mandrake is NOT as stable as my two picks)

Fedora Core (I wouldn't let this thing run my email)

Gentoo Linux (I don't need to die because Open Office, KDE and Gnome are compiling in the background)

RedHat Linux (I don't want up2date warning me of an update when the processor needs to be used for ME)

